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Why invest in wine?
Select bottles of wine are today the star of auctions despite being initially purchased for a handful of euros. While the wines of Bordeaux and Burgundy are often the most popular, small regions such as the Rhône Valley or our beautiful Provence can produce wines of equal quality. The wines found here are intended for investment or for aging in the cellar before tasting. Our wines have just arrived on the investment wine market. Consequently, you will find here wines that offer great aging potential along with a value that will only increase with each passing year. Market prices for wine are based on a very simple principle: wines for investment will improve with age. At the same time, consumption will reduce the number of bottles in circulation, making quality wine a coveted financial investment. Nowadays, many wines from France are a solid (and accessible) investment. You no longer need to spend thousands of dollars to acquire a grand cru when more affordable wines will still increase in market value over time.
Invest in a noble vintage, like in a financial market
You will find here all the wines of Château Virant destined to increase in value over time. We have selected our most emblematic vintages as investment wines. The quality of our products and the reputation of our estate make them perfect wines to collect or to drink. Yes, wine remains above all a product to drink, to share with your loved ones. Even investment wine is meant to be consumed eventually. Our wines will wait for years in your cellar until they are resold or ready to share. When we offer wine to a loved one, we can present them with immediate pleasure by giving them a bottle intended to be consumed during the year. Or, we can give them the possibility of keeping a wine which, in addition to developing its aromatic palette, will gain in value over time. Investing in wine is an excellent way to diversify your collection while having fun at the same time. Nobody is immune to the joy that comes from seeing the auction price of their wine triple in value. All our investment wines are made here at our estate with the expertise that is the foundation of our reputation.
Wine gains value on resale
It is well known that quality wine improves over time. The more years that pass, the more aromas are revealed in the wine. At the same time, other bottles of the same vintage are becoming scarce making your own bottle more valuable. These special Château Virant wines represent investments in your collection that are sure to please you at auction or during a tasting.